Pregnant women who are too skinny are at risk of experiencing these 4 things

For women who are underweight and want to plan a pregnancy, it is recommended to increase body weight first. This is because pregnant women who are too thin are more at risk of pregnancy complications. You can be said to be too thin when you have a body mass index (BMI) below 18.5. Starting a pregnancy with a body that is too thin can carry a variety of risks. In addition, you may have difficulty increasing body weight as recommended during pregnancy.

Risks Occur if Pregnant in Conditions Too Thin

The following are some risks of pregnancy complications that you might experience if you are too thin during pregnancy:

1. Miscarriage

Although it can be caused by various things, miscarriages can also be caused by the condition of the body of pregnant women who are too thin. To reduce this risk, your doctor may give you recommendations for improving nutrition.

2. Premature birth

Being too thin can also put you at risk of giving birth to a baby earlier than expected. You are said to give birth prematurely if labor occurs before your 37th week of pregnancy. Premature babies are very vulnerable to various infections, and are more at risk of experiencing a variety of health problems, such as respiratory problems, metabolic disorders, or bleeding in the brain.

3. The size of the fetus is too small

The fetus gets nutrition from the mother. If you are pregnant in a state that is too thin, nutrition for you alone is already lacking, especially for Little in the womb. This can inhibit fetal growth, which is medically known as intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR). If this happens, the baby is at risk of experiencing oxygen deficiency at birth, and has low blood sugar levels and thick blood due to the large number of red blood cells. Your baby can also be more at risk of experiencing disability and nerve disorders, and need to be born by cesarean section.

4. Babies born with low weight

The normal baby's weight at birth is around 2.5-3.5 kg. But if you are too thin during pregnancy, your baby may be born with a low weight or less than 2.5 kg.

Let's Raise Your Weight!

To prevent weight gain that is too thin during pregnancy, you can try the following ways:
  • Never skip meals, especially breakfast.
  • If it is difficult to eat large portions of food at once, you can eat small portions 5-6 times a day.
  • Always provide healthy snacks, such as cheese, crackers, nuts, dried fruit, yogurt, or ice cream, so that they are easy to eat at any time.
  • Try to increase foods high in good fats, such as olive oil, avocados, nuts, or fish.
  • Consumption of fresh juices, such as orange juice, papaya juice, or grape juice.
  • Add peanut butter, cheese, butter or cream cheese to your meal.
  • Control routine to the doctor to monitor your weight gain. Your obstetrician will determine whether or not your condition is safe to start a pregnancy program.
Pregnant with a body condition that is too thin can harm the fetus. Therefore, try to increase your weight in the ways above, before planning a pregnancy. If you still find it difficult to gain weight, you should consult a doctor, because this could be caused by certain diseases or medical conditions.


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